Environmental Sustainability in Online Education

We are dedicated to empowering professionals across the planet, but not at the expense of the planet. As a company that delivers environmentally-friendly online courses, we are committed to undertaking measures that further reduce our impact on the planet and improve our sustainability.

As part of this commitment we are working to achieve certified responsibility towards the environment, so we have registered with the Investors in the Environment Green Accreditation scheme.

This means we can continually push ourselves to improve and strive for more environmentally-conscious practices, be held accountable for our actions and have our progress monitored and approved by a third party.

sustainable development goals
Of the 17 UN Sustainable development goals, we believe that our online education provision enhances the goals listed below.
Good Health and Well Being Award
Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Learna currently provides a variety of healthcare-focussed higher education courses, helping healthcare professionals gain vital knowledge and improve clinical outcomes worldwide.

Good Health and Well Being Award
Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

We work with Universities and other accrediting bodies to provide quality education to promote lifelong learning. We do not employ an international surcharge for our higher education courses. Furthermore, our affordable CPD provided by StudyPRN ensures that healthcare professionals can continue learning and developing throughout their careers.

Good Health and Well Being Award
Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

In 2020, over half of Learna’s student population was female.

Good Health and Well Being Award
Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

While Learna empowers its graduates to make more financially rewarding career decisions, we also offer many job opportunities within the company to our graduates, many of whom have joined us as tutors.

Good Health and Well Being Award
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Our MSc students are driving innovation by contributing to the scientific research community through the professional projects they develop as part of the courses.

Good Health and Well Being Award
Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

As our courses are all 100% online, we are helping to reduce inequality among countries by enabling professionals globally the ability to access world - class education without having to leave their roles or home countries. We also work with the Merck Foundation to supply free education to healthcare professionals in developing nations.

Good Health and Well Being Award
Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

We have taken several measures to limit our consumption of energy and waste production. Learna encourages its employees to travel responsibly with its work from home policy and cycle to work scheme. Furthermore, online learning by its very nature is less harmful to the environment than campus-based education. Read more.

Good Health and Well Being Award
Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Our adoption of the Investors in the Environment climate accreditation scheme is part of our continual commitment to combating climate change and its impacts where we can. In addition, we believe that we can work towards affecting others by making our business a cleaner, greener place to work. We want to continue to provide eco-friendly education while striving for better sustainability as a company and influencing our stakeholders to become more environmentally conscious.

Learna's environmental policy
Learna's social value statement
Learna's net zero statement
If you have any more questions regarding our commitment to the environment please get in touch