Terms and Conditions

Use of Our Website

Please read the following Terms and Conditions, which relate to information regarding the general use of our websites and the terms and conditions relating to applications and enrollment in our postgraduate programmes. By using our websites, you agree to these Terms and Conditions as a visitor, applicant, or enrolled student. By using our site, you indicate that you accept these terms of use and agree to abide by them. We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time and will post revisions on this website. We recommend that you read these Terms and Conditions prior to using our sites and regularly review any changes thereafter. You are responsible for staying informed of any changes.

We strive to ensure that website availability is uninterrupted and that transmissions are error-free. However, we cannot guarantee that your access will not be suspended or restricted from time to time, including to allow for repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to limit the frequency and duration of any suspension or restriction.

When using our website to browse or apply for postgraduate programmes, please be aware that any information provided as part of your application will be subject to our Privacy Policy. By submitting an application, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the details being disclosed to staff within Learna and shared with the validating partner University and other relevant authorities.

By applying for a programme of study, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms and Conditions and that the information provided in your application is accurate and complete. Providing false, incomplete, or misleading information may result in the rejection of your application or withdrawal of any offer of admission, regardless of when the discovery is made.


Use of the data that you provide us, or which is collected by us on our website is governed by our Privacy Policy. By using our site, you consent to such processing.

Accounts and Passwords

If you have registered to use any service within the Learna platform, any user identification code or password is personal and non-transferable. Your login details must be kept confidential and can only be used by you. We reserve the right to take action should this requirement be breached.

University Applications

If any of the information provided as part of a University application is incomplete or incorrect, the University reserves the right to take any appropriate action, which may include rejection or withdrawal at the point of application or any point after enrolment, regardless of the length of time already studied. If you accept an offer and fail to attend without explanation, the relevant authorities will be informed.

By submitting an application, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the details being disclosed to staff within Leana and shared with the validating partner University and to any other relevant authorities.

By applying for a programme of study, you confirm that you have read and understood the above statement and that the information in your application is correct

Payment, Acceptance, and Prices

When making an online payment, the language used for the conclusion of this process will be English only.

For payments made by cheque, postal order, or international money order, our contract becomes binding upon receipt of cleared funds by Learna Ltd and notice of acceptance. Delivery is deemed to have taken place once the LMS (Moodle) login details have been sent to you.

The prices for Learna services should be as indicated on the website, inclusive of all taxes and delivery unless otherwise stated, and valid for purchases during the intake period to which they relate. All applicants are required to make payment in pounds sterling. If paying from an account outside the United Kingdom, your bank will calculate the exchange rate.

We endeavour to ensure that all prices on our website are accurate; however, errors may occur. If we discover any errors in the prices of services you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the option to recommence your order at the correct price or cancel it. If we are unable to contact you, the order will be treated as cancelled. If you have already made payment and we have processed it, you will receive a full refund.

Please note that if you wish to cancel a programme you have purchased after our contract comes into effect, the cancellation will be at our discretion and may be subject to a cancellation charge equal to the cost of the first semester of study. You agree that no cancellation is allowed after these services have started being supplied. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Learna services are subject to availability. If we are unable to supply any Learna services for the agreed term, we will inform you as soon as possible and provide a pro-rata refund for the period we cannot provide. However, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss resulting from our inability to supply the services within the subscription period.

We take all reasonable precautions to keep your order and payment details secure. However, unless we are negligent, we cannot be held liable for losses caused by unauthorised access to the information you provide.

Tuition Fee Liability:

For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, a Student is a person registered or enrolled with Learna to undertake a programme of study.


The postgraduate diploma programme is organised into three semesters; each semester includes two modules. A postgraduate certificate is organised into three modules. For those pursuing a Master of Science (MSc), the first year mirrors the postgraduate diploma's curriculum. The second year of the MSc programme is dedicated to a research methods course followed by a professional project. Ceasing participation is defined as the suspension or withdrawal by a Student from a programme of study prior to its completion.

Acceptance of Offer of Enrollment

Acceptance of our offer of enrollment occurs when you actively confirm your intention to take up the offered place and enter into a contract with us. This acceptance can be indicated through one of the following actions:


Clicking an "Accept Offer" or similarly labelled button on our online enrollment portal or form.

Signing and returning a physical or digital enrollment agreement or contract provided by us.

Paying a deposit or initial fee in response to the offer, where this is part of our enrollment process and has been clearly communicated as constituting acceptance.

Verbally confirming acceptance of the offer during a phone call or in-person meeting with one of our representatives, where this is our standard enrollment practice.

Actively engaging with the course materials or learning platform after being provided with access, where we have clearly communicated that this action will be taken as acceptance of the offer and formation of the contract.

In the event that you meet multiple criteria for acceptance, the date of the first qualifying action will be considered the date of acceptance and will mark the commencement of the 14-day cancellation period, as described in the "14-Day Right to Cancel" section of these Terms and Conditions.

By accepting our offer of enrollment through any of the above means, you are entering into a legally binding contract with us, subject to these Terms and Conditions.


The Student's liability for tuition fees begins on their programme start date.

  • A Student who discontinues their studies after the start date of the programme but before the start date of the second semester will be liable for 1/3rd of their tuition fee.
  • A Student who discontinues on or after the second semester's start date but before the third semester's start date will be liable for 2/3rds of their tuition fee.
  • A Student who discontinues on or after the start date of the third semester will be liable for their full tuition fee.
  • MSc students are responsible for the entire tuition fee of the module in which they cease participation, irrespective of when they cease participation within that module.

To initiate a suspension or withdrawal, the Student must adhere to the prescribed process, as set forth by Learna and its university partners.

The effective date of a Student's suspension or withdrawal is the date at which the suspension or withdrawal is approved by Learna.

Upon a Student's suspension or withdrawal being approved by Learna, the Student’s fee liability will be determined based on the date on which the suspension or withdrawal was approved. Any tuition fee liability outstanding will be due immediately.

Re-enrolment Restrictions

Students will not be allowed to re-enrol on their course, or any other course validated by a partner university, if they are a debtor to the Partner or the validating university.

14-Day Right to Cancel

In accordance with the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, you have the right to cancel your distance contract within 14 days without giving any reason.

The cancellation period will expire 14 days after the day on which you accept our offer of enrollment, which is when the contract between us is formed. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g., a letter sent by post or email).

You may use the model cancellation form provided below, but it is not obligatory.

Effects of Cancellation

If you cancel this contract within the 14-day cancellation period, we will reimburse all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery.

Upon cancellation, your access to all learning platforms, materials, and any associated services (such as WhatsApp groups) will be revoked. You will no longer be able to access or participate in the course or any related resources.

We will make the reimbursement without undue delay and not later than 14 days after the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of the reimbursement.

Model Cancellation Form Template

To [Learna Ltd, Address, Email],
I [ ] hereby give notice that I [ ] cancel my [ ] contract for the supply of the following programme [ ],
Ordered on [ ]/received on [ ],
Name of consumer,
Address of consumer,

Intellectual Property Rights and Permissions

The content, layout, design, data, databases, and graphics on this website are protected by UK and other international intellectual property laws and are owned by Learna Ltd or its licensors. Unless expressly permitted in writing, no part of the website or its content may be reproduced, stored in any medium, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic, digital, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Learna Ltd.

You may print a certificate you have obtained and display our content on your screen, saving it within our Learna platform strictly for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not create any derivative work or make any other adaptation without our prior written consent. You must not modify any copies you have printed or displayed in any way, and you may not use any illustrations, photographs, videos, audio sequences, or graphics separately from accompanying text.

Any permitted use of our material is subject to ensuring that our copyright notices and trademarks appear as they do on our website. If you breach these terms of use, your right to use our site will cease immediately, and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

Learna Ltd's trademarks and logos displayed on Learna platforms are the property of Learna Ltd and its licensors. Any use, including framing, meta tags, or other text utilising our trademarks, is strictly prohibited without our express written consent.

Unless otherwise stated on the site, any material you upload will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. We have the right to use, copy, distribute, and disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party claiming that material posted or uploaded by you to our site constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights or right to privacy.

To request permission for any use of our content, images, or other intellectual property not authorised under a subscription, please contact us by email.

Our websites contain links, including hyperlinks which may take you outside of Learna Ltd's websites. Links are provided for your convenience, and an inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or approval by us of the linked website, its operator or content. We have no control over the contents or functionality of those sites and accept no responsibility for any loss or damages that may arise from your use of them. We are not responsible for any website outside Learna Ltd websites, and such website use will be subject to relevant terms and conditions and privacy policies.

Limitations of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Learna Ltd expressly excludes:

  • any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by any user in connection with the information contained on or use or inability to use or the result of the use of our website, any websites linked to it and any material posted on it, including without limitation any liability for loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of profits or contracts, loss of anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted management or office time and any other loss or damage of any kind, however arising and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable; and
  • any direct losses in excess of any fees paid.

Nothing in this provision affects our or our contractors' liability for death or personal injury arising from our (or their) negligence nor our (or their) liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter nor any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

Your Conduct

You must not act in any way that causes or is likely to cause the website or access to it to be interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way. You understand you are solely responsible for all electronic communications and contents sent from your computer to us. You must use the website for lawful purposes only. You must not use the website for any of the following:

  • Fraudulent purposes in connection with a criminal offence or otherwise unlawful activity
  • To send, use or re-use any material that is illegal, offensive, abusive, indecent, harmful, defamatory, obscene or menacing; or in breach of copyright, trademark, confidence, privacy or any other right; or is otherwise injurious to third parties; or objectionable; or which consists of or contains software viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any spam
  • To cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety
  • To reproduce, duplicate, copy or resell any part of our site in contravention of these terms of use.

Learna Ltd reserves the right to cancel your account if you exhibit offensive behaviour toward our staff. We will not refund any monies that result from cancellations as a result of bad conduct.

Modern Slavery

Learna is committed to treating all workers with respect and dignity, ensuring safe working conditions, and operating ethically. We issued the following Modern Slavery Policy pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act, which requires Leara to disclose efforts to ensure that modern slavery does not occur in our supply chains and business operations.

Governing law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction, although we retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these conditions in your country of residence or other relevant country.